Events and Groups

Cycling is inclusive; it's for all abilities. No matter what personal challenges you need to overcome, there is a bicycle to suite your needs. Adapted cycles are used by people all over the country to get around or as a leisure activity, but if you're not confident or unable to cycle around independently, then Cycling Freedom can help.

We can provide a safe environment to cycle, that can cater for adapted bikes, where individuals, friends and families can cycle together. We support a diverse range of users, including:

* Children or adults with special education needs
* Children or adults with a range of disabilities
* Families of mixed abilities
* People with weight management or health goals
* The elderly
* Reduced/little mobility (including wheelchair users, amputees, and coordination problems)
* Visual impairments
* Mental health issues
* Recuperation after ill health or after an operation
* Dementia and dementia-related diseases (such as Alzheimer’s)
* Stroke recovery
* Inexperienced cyclists

Benefits include:

* Increased coordination
* Improved muscle strength
* Increased endurance
* Improved balance and postural control
* Increased self-esteem
* Increased social interaction
* Increased confidence